Feel Better About Your Water Filtering
Few homes have any sort of water filtering system, leaving homeowners unable to trust the water from their tap.
We’re here to change that.
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What’s the Best Water Filtering System?
Nowadays, you can buy a water-filtering showerhead, water-filtering water bottle, water-filtering pitcher, and even a water-filtering straw! For the environmentally conscious, you can get water-filtering plants and water-filtering animals. With so many options, how can you tell which is the best and more importantly, the right one for you? Contact us for a free water test and quote on a water filtering system that will suit your needs.
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Filter their drinking water at home. No wonder, because this is where people drink the most water and this is also where the water needs the most filtering.
Private Wells with Arsenic Exposure
1 in every 10 American homeowners that acccess a private, domestic well is exposed to elevated levels of arsenic according to usgs.gov.
Per Gallon
The cost of filtered tap water is 3 cents/ gal of water. Almost 300 times cheaper than bottled water. More than that, filtered tap water is fresher and cleaner because it is filtered right before you drink it.
Your Water Filtering Process
Will an Amazon water filter work for your home? We don’t think so! Your needs are unique, which is why we investigate your particular water issues and create a fully customized water filtering system whether you have a well or city water.
Should you filter your water?
White scale or stains on your fixtures?
Stiff, scratchy, dingy laundry?
Rotten egg smell from your water?
Dull, dry hair or irritated skin?
Metallic, bitter, or chlorine taste?
Cloudy water or soap scum?
Water filtering at home may not be a top priority right now. However, you may want to change your water filtering activity once you see this video.
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Water Softener Systems
April 10, 2024
Water Softener Systems How they work, and the difference they can make. Being in the water industry since 1963, we often get asked questions when it comes to water softener systems. Here...
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